Our Clergy • Наше духовенство

Whom have we Lord, like You — the Great One who became small, the Wakeful who slept, the Pure One who was baptized, the Living One who died, the King who abased Himself to ensure honour for all? Blessed is Your honour! It is right that man should acknowledge Your divinity, it is right for heavenly beings to worship Your humanity. The heavenly beings were amazed to see how small You became, and earthly ones to see how exalted.

— St. Ephrem the Syrian

Our Clergy

His Grace, the Rt. Rev. Bishop Andriy


    Bishop of Toronto and the Eastern Eparchy of the UOCC 2021. 

Fr Jaroslaw Buciora

Very Rev. Archpriest
Dr. Jaroslaw S. Buciora, Dean

  • Jaroslaw Buciora obtained his master’s degree in Theological Studies from the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, Massachusetts) and his PhD in Theology from the Christian Theological Academy (Warsaw, Poland). He has served in various parishes across Canada, including at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto and the All Saints of Ukraine Chapel since 2011.

    As an Orthodox theologian and ecumenist, the Very Rev. Archpriest Dr. Buciora concentrates his research on systematic Orthodox theology, particularly in ecclesiology, with a specific emphasis on the situation of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. He is the author of two books, three monographs, and over 50 theological and analytical articles and presentations. Currently he represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada on the Canadian Council of Churches as a member of the Faith and Order Commission and Governing Board, and is a chaplain in the rank of Captain for the Royal Canadian Regiment in Toronto.

Fr. Jaroslaw can be reached at
buciora@rogers.com or (905) 510-4663.

Fr Vasyl Kobrii

Fr. Vasyl Kobrii

  • Vasyl Kobrii graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree, Theology, in 2018 from St. Andrew’s College, University of Manitoba, where he continued as a Religious Education Worker. On August 7, 2021, His Grace Ilarion (Rudnyk) ordained him into the Holy Diaconate at Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Winnipeg, MN. It was with great joy that on Sunday March 6, 2022, His Grace The Rt. Rev. Bishop Iliarion (Rudnyk) Locum Tenans of the Metropolitan Cathedral ordained Father Deacon Vasyl Kobrii to the Holy Order of Priesthood at St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto.

    St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto and All Saints of Ukraine Chapel, Oakville are happy to welcome Father Vasyl and his wife Uliana to the parish.

Fr. Vasyl can be reached at fr.vasyl@stvolodymyr.ca

Fr Dcn Konstyantyn Yastreb

Fr. Deacon
Konstyantyn Yastreb

  • Kostyantyn Yastreb graduated from the Volyn Technical University in 1994 and was invited to stay on to complete his graduate studies. From 1994 to 1995, he served in the Military Center for Automation of the Control Systems of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army in Kyiv.

    He became a parishioner of St. Volodymyr Cathedral of Toronto upon his arrival in Canada in 1999 and works at the Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, Courts Services Division.

    He moved to Hamilton in 2007, where he joined the Church of the Intercession and was tonsured a reader in 2012, and began theological studies at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, NY. He was ordained a deacon in 2017 at Holy Intercession Church in Hamilton and continued his studies, graduating in July of 2018.

    In November 2020, Father Deacon Kostyantyn Yastreb was enrolled in the clergy of the Pereyaslav-Vyshnevets Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

    His efforts in organizing volunteer assistance for the Ukrainian Army and Church were recognized in 2015 with the medal "For Dignity and Patriotism", the Order "Unity and Freedom” in 2016, and an Honorary Award of the Security Services of Ukraine in 2017.

Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter
Bohdan Sencio, Dean Emeritus (Retired)

  • Bohdan Sencio was educated at the Orthodox Seminary and Theological Academy, where he received a master's degree in Theology. During five years of study at the Academy, he served as a subdeacon under two metropolitans - under Stepan Rudyk and Vasily Doroshkevich. 

    He then served as a deacon in St. Magdalene's Cathedral in Warsaw, where he was ordained a priest, after which he served as rector of churches in various parts of Poland for nine years. He then served in Buffalo, New York for eight years before becoming the rector of the Cathedral in 1987.

    Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Magister Bohdan Sencio served as a chaplain at the Ivan Franko Homes for retired seniors as well as other seniors' homes in the Greater Toronto area, attending to both the Orthodox and Greek Catholics with visits, prayers and services in their chapels.

    After 33 years of service to the Cathedral parish, Fr. Bohdan retired in July, 2020.


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