Sermons • Проповіді
Sermons normally proclaim and explain the significance of the readings received at a particular liturgy or feast day. Sermonettes are essentially shorter reflections.
Проповіді зазвичай проголошують і пояснюють значення читань, отриманих на певній літургії чи святі. Сермонети - це, по суті, коротші роздуми.
Sermons by the late Very Reverend Fr. Taras Slavchenko. Проповіді покійного о. Протоієрея Тараса Славченка.
Sermonettes • Сермонети
Sermonettes by our parish dean, Fr. Dr. Jaroslaw Buciora. Сермонети декана нашої парафії о. д-ра Ярослава Буцьори.
Do you ever come across an image in your daily life that makes you stop and think? Something so random that you become overwhelmed by an emotion, a thought, or a feeling? If we could only embrace that moment, we could be surprised by the depth of its meaning. One of those occasions in my daily life was a late, but necessary driveway reparation, where small cracks in the asphalt had to be filled before the first frost. …
…The animal world contains in itself the “shape and image of the invisible world.” As such, the animal world is the world of beauty and incredible joy of a unique nature. It is the reality of the beauty of God Himself: “By the greatness and beauty of the creatures, proportionately the Maker of them is seen” (Wisdom of Solomon 13:5).
…The animal world contains in itself the “shape and image of the invisible world.” As such, the animal world is the world of beauty and incredible joy of a unique nature. It is the reality of the beauty of God Himself: “By the greatness and beauty of the creatures, proportionately the Maker of them is seen” (Wisdom of Solomon 13:5).
People of a specific territory of a particular saint inherit the legacy of their forefathers. It is contemporary Ukraine that also has exclusive privilege to its own heritage of Kyivan Rus’. The distinctive heritage and treasures of the past are the spiritual blessing of a Ukrainian nation that makes it so unique. The heritage of St. Volodymyr and the saints of Kyivan Rus’ has a lasting spiritual value that is being felt to this age.
Over the last several years, we, as Canadians, have either witnessed or have heard of events of Islamophobia, events that gave rise to the Black Lives Matter and Asian Hate movement, and now the heartbreaking news of Residential Schools. These events present us with a question of our understanding and respect for other religions and systems of belief.