St. Sophia and her daughters: Faith, Hope and Love (Sep. 17)
As excerpted from the Orthodox Christian Fellowship website.
The icon of St. Sophia and her 3 daughters. Asia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Holy Martyrs Saint Sophia and her daughters Faith (Віра), Hope (Надія/Надя) and Love (Любов/ Люба) were born in Italy. Sophia was a pious Christian widow who named her daughters for the three Christian virtues. St. Sophia raised them in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, and they did not hide their faith, openly confessing it before everyone.
The faith of Saint Sophia and her daughters was brought to the attention of Emperor Hadrian. Emperor Hadrian ordered that they be brought to Rome. When they appeared before the emperor, all those present were amazed at their composure. They looked as though they had been brought to some happy festival, rather than to torture. Hadrian urged Faith, Hope, and Love, one by one to offer sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but each daughter stood strong in their faith.
The emperor then ordered Faith, Hope, and Love to be tortured. St. Sophia was subjected to another type of grievous torture: she was forced to watch the suffering of her daughters. She displayed adamant courage, and urged her daughters to endure their torments for the sake of the Heavenly Bridegroom. All three maidens were beheaded, and joyfully bent their necks beneath the sword. At the time of their martyrdom, Faith was twelve, Hope was ten, and Love was nine.
In order to intensify St. Sophia’s suffering, the emperor permitted her to take the bodies of her daughters for burial. Sitting by their graves for three days, she gave up her soul to the Lord. Even though she did not suffer for Christ in the flesh, she was not deprived of a martyr’s crown. Instead, she suffered in her heart. Believers buried her body there beside her daughters. Their relics have rested at El’zasa, in the Church of Esho, since the year 777.
O holy Saint Sophia, mother and protector of the Christian faith, pray for us who are struggling to defend our faith. Just as you led your daughters to the crowns of martyrdom, help us bear our crosses. Blessed Saints Faith, Hope and Love, intercede for us that we may attain even a sliver of your courage and youthful wisdom. Saints Sophia, Faith, Hope, and Love, please intercede for us. Amen.